Why your iPhone is one of the best street photography cameras
Street photography is without a doubt one of the easiest genres of photography to jump into. All you need is a camera and some walking shoes. My current kit these days is a Canon 5D with a 50mm lens and my iPhone. I’m not going to lie, my iPhone probably gets more action than my “real camera” does. It’s always with me and I hate lugging my camera around on busy commuting times during the week.
Smartphones are for sneaky ninja photographers. Everyone has one, it’s probably right next to your computer now or in your hand. We even have the ability to shoot and edit in RAW thanks to apps like Adobe Lightroom (my personal favorite) and VSCO.
The whole experience of shooting just on your phone is very refreshing. Not only are you quicker and quieter, but you can also shoot anywhere and start doing it today. No need to drop $6000 on a Leica or an old vintage 35mm camera that Henri Cartier-Bresson shot with. Just reach in your pocket and pull out the thing you always have with you.
Side note: if you're looking to buy your first “real camera,” go for a classic film camera and develop the film yourself. There is nothing quite like it.
To be honest, I do prefer to shoot with a proper camera. I love the feel of it and the process of shooting with something like an old traditional film camera. However, shooting on an iPhone will just make you look like a harmless tourist and no one will ever think otherwise of you. Photography is about storytelling through imagery. It really shouldn’t matter if that’s with a pro DSLR or your phone in your pocket.